Study Smarter, Not Harder

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How It Works

Generate personalized quizzes from your study materials in just two simple steps


Upload Your Document

Simply drag and drop your PDF study materials or lecture notes.

study_material.pdf PDF up to 200MB

Get AI-Generated Quiz

Our AI analyzes your content and generates relevant questions to test your knowledge.

Sample Question:

What is the main difference between supervised and unsupervised learning?

10 questions
15 min

Why Use Our Tool?

Discover how our AI-powered quiz generator transforms your study experience

Save Time

Generate comprehensive quizzes in seconds instead of spending hours creating questions manually.

Smart Analysis

Our AI identifies key concepts and creates questions that test your understanding effectively.

Personalized Learning

Get questions tailored to your study material and learning goals for maximum effectiveness.

Track Progress

Monitor your performance over time and identify areas that need more attention.

Instant Feedback

Get immediate explanations and corrections to enhance your understanding of the material.

Flexible Format

Choose from multiple question types and customize quiz length to suit your needs.